Medical Doctor and Data Science Researcher

Innovative, results-oriented Doctor and Researcher with 5+ years of experience in advanced bladder cancer treatment, co-authoring lauded medical articles, successful patient management and supporting of various clinical trials. Ability to work cohesively within multiple teams in challenging medical/clinical environments. Currently, working on combining data science methodologies with extensive experience in cancer research and ER practice to further develop an integrated system for research/development of medical applications utilizing machine learning. Master communicator with fluency in English, Farsi, and Japanese and ability to network and develop an array of professional relationships to further medical, research and business-related goals. Co-authored numerous articles on various medical topics further highlighting key research in bladder cancer research and effective treatments/surgical methods.


  • English (Fluent)
  • Farsi (Fluent)
  • Japanese (Basic)


  • Quantum Physic
  • Writing
  • Photography
  • Triathlons


Medical Data Scientist
2019 - Present
WDC Health
Designed, developed and motivated research experiments alongside teams of researchers resulting in a new therapy for bladder cancer and publication in Molecular Cancer Therapeutics journal. Application of advanced analytical techniques/data science including: forecasting, optimization, and machine learning on various general hospital related-processes. Researched and reviewed key data towards work on a co-authored journal article relating to the effects of aging on the pelvic floor pressure which was published in Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Successfully implemented a machine learning-driven methodology for emergency room triage for the purpose of developing a new emergency room procedure
Research Scholar
2017 - 2019
Authored multiple manuscripts in the area of urogynecology and for IRB protocols (advanced research). Performed data discovery ranging from profiling and analysis of real-time and key historical clinical data. Seamless collaboration with multi-disciplined business/technical analysts, other data scientists and software engineers. Creation of support tools, documentation and designs of algorithms for implementation with hospital environment. Development of programs in order apply data science methodologies, including predictive modeling and machine learning, data analytics and visualization
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
2015 - 2017
Conducted multiple clinical trials which resulted in new therapies for bladder cancer and publications highlighting them. Conducted laboratory procedures for clinical trials as well as authored multiple proposals/IRB protocols. Acute management and collection of complex data for analysis and research in key clinical trials
Principle ER Physician
2013 - 2015
Successful management of triage/diagnosis as well as treatment and referral of Emergency Room patients. Demonstration of exceptional interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with multiple specialists, hospital department and other team disciplines. Established consistent ability to integrate latest medical/best practice into delivering quality healthcare. Full-spectrum of high acuity clinical medicine, trauma and cardiac care skill reflected on seeing/assessing between 200 - 250 patients on a daily basis


Medical Doctorate
Shahid Beheshti Medical University
2006 - 2013
Shahid Beheshti Medical University
2006 - 2013


  • smartER - I have created the next generation smart Emergency Room triage system based on emergency room experience and medical data science, which has led to the first unique artificial medical intelligence.
  • Rayne - My first screen play: A story of survival and the will power of a woman


Medical Research
Clinical Research & Trials
Emergency Room Protocol
Research Project Leadership
Machine Learning
R Programming
SQL Programming
Python Programming